Brunswick Police May Use Drones to Catch Railroad Trespassers
If you've wanted to get professional photos taken of your family on railroad tracks in Maine, you better think again. You could get busted by Brunswick Police by use of a drone.
According the Portland Press Herald, Brunswick Police and the Federal Railroad Administration are devleoping a plan to use drones to patrol the railroad tracks in Brunswick. The town is the northern most stop in Maine for the Amtrak Downeaster and also sees freight traffic from Pan Am Railways and the Central Maine and Quebec Railway.
If implemented, the drones would be used for detection and education. In other words if a drone spots people on the tracks, and officer would be sent out to let them know that they are trespassing on private property and putting themselves in danger by being on the tracks.
A recent trend in family photography has been shots taken on railroad tracks. Despite warnings from Operation Lifesaver and railroad officials, it is still a very common occurrence across the country and here in Maine. The use of drones may be the best education for people about the dangers of photography on the tracks by catching people in the act.
All people should remain off railroad tracks, no matter if they are active or not. At the very least it's trespassing and at the worst you could be killed.
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