Car Thefts and Break-Ins On the Rise in Maine
One of the great things about Maine is that feeling of security. When I was a kid we never locked our doors. Not the house and not the car. Never once was our home or car burglarized.
We live in different time now and many police departments across Maine are reporting an increase in vehicle burglaries and thefts as warmer weather causes people to leave their windows down and doors unlocked. In some cases, even the keys are left in the ignition.
The Sun Journal reports that a 14-year-old boy was recently charged with three car thefts in Farmington, and Westbrook police have had reports of several car burglaries.
Remember to lock your doors and never leave your keys in the car. You may think your car is safe, but if a 14-year-old kid can get away with stealing three cars, anyone can.