Do You See What I See?
I have been staring at this tree for about 20 years and I JUST noticed this.
Out the windows of the Q studios, we can gaze at Monument Square. Things have changed quite a lot over the past 20 years. There have been renovations, businesses come and go and trees even come and go.
But this tree has been in the square for a very long time. I look at it often. Not really on purpose, but sort of as the background to watching people move about the city. And then it hit me. It looks like a dog!
I have no idea why one morning so many years later, I saw a dog. I've named him Sketchy. Because that is the program name I used to draw my dog. When the sun shines in the morning, there's Sketchy! Did you see a dog, or do you see a dog or is this whole pandemic getting to me?
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