The ND Paper mill in Old Town is using people's cardboard and they could expand the program!


According to Maine Biz, right now to try and keep some waste out of landfills and get a new source for raw materials, the ND Paper mill in Old Town is asking people in Old Town, Bradley, Orono, and Milford to give THEM their cardboard, food packaging boxes, and pizza boxes! ND Paper turns all that into pulp. That pulp is sold around the world and it's turned back into packaging materials and the whole cycle can start again!

Photo by Lukas Bee. on Unsplash
Photo by Lukas Bee. on Unsplash


Why turn to YOUR pizza boxes? Well, buying raw materials is really expensive right now. In fact, the price of raw materials is the highest it's been in four years! So, ND Paper got creative and started this program in November and it was a huge hit! They don't plan on stopping it anytime soon and in fact, are looking to expand it to all their facilities including Rumford.


ND Paper bought the old mill in Old Town back in 2018. It had been idle since 2015 and reopened in 2019. This site has been making pulp since 1882 and it's nice to see it's still active in such a crazy ever-changing world!

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