ESPN Radio Host Gets Duped By New Maine News Story
If your're running a satire website like New Maine News, you have to get some satisfaction when people believe your stories are real. Just look at how many people fall for stories on The Onion. Lots of people do the same for New Maine News stories, including hosts on ESPN Radio.
Golic and Wingo is a sports talk morning show on ESPN Radio that recently reported a story from New Maine News as real. The headline reads "Class D Basketball Game Called Off After Ball Gets Stuck Behind Wood Stove." Now we live in Maine so we know that there aren't any wood stoves in high school gyms right? Not these guys. They fell for it hook, line and sinker.
New Maine News shared a a clip of the show on their Facebook page and dubbed it over a famous scene from Goodfellas of Henry Hill (Ray Liota) reacting to a news report of the Lufthansa heist at JFK Airport.
This may as well be Seth Macy, the brilliant writer and man behind New Maine News, in that shower. Well done Seth! You've duped the big guys, or at the very least their producer.