New England Firefighter Dresses Up as Buddy the Elf and Starts Pillow Fights
In Boston, there's a man who's making people laugh by hitting them.
As an homage to his comedy idol Will Farrell, firefighter and comedic videographer Brendan Edwards dressed up as Buddy the Elf and carried two pillows around Boston, tossing one of them at passersby and yelling, "PILLOW FIGHT!"
In the video posted by CBS News in Boston, you'll see the reactions of multiple people with whom he instigated fights. All of them were good sports, fighting back and laughing along with Brendan/Buddy as they pummel him with the pillow. One older woman takes the time to hand her drink to a friend before hitting Brendan, at which point he collapses, cracking her and her friends up.
Needless to say, we could all learn a little something from Brendan the elf. In a season riddled with impatient shopping lines and grumpy cold neighbors on the train, he went out of his way to have a great time and make strangers cry from laughter. Good on ya, Buddy!
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