Get a Bird’s Eye View of the Fryeburg Fair With a Helicopter Ride This Year
The Fryeburg Fair just got even more exciting!
Coming up from October 1 through October 8, you'll have a chance to see the massive, huge Fryeburg fair from above. Get a bird's eye view, or (I guess more appropriate for these days) a drone's view!
According to a Fryeburg Fair Facebook post, each of these cute little helicopters can hold three passengers. Cross your fingers, because the only thing that wouldn't let you ride would be the weather. You just never know. So hope for some great weather, because safety is always their top priority! Tickets are only $40 dollars, which is a great price for the best ride at Fryeburg Fair. Well, next to the ferris wheel.
It's getting set up in this photo. It's not different this year, where you have to hang on for dear life. Back to the Pine Tree Helicopters! When you buy a ticket to fly high above the fair, your ticket is good for the entire week of the fair, not just the day you bought it.
They start every morning at 10 am, and when they close depends on how busy they are. A shuttle will run from the orange gate to the Pine Tree Helicopter landing site. Learn more about Pine Tree Helicopters and how you can actually get trained or go on other tours! What a great addition to Maine's largest and oldest agricultural fair!
Will you take a ride on a helicopter? I bet you'd get some Instagram likes with that video! It's going to be great!
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