Governor Mills Announces Alternative to 14-Day Quarantine For Visitors
Governor Mills announced today during the Maine CDC briefing, an alternative to the current 14-day quarantine order that is in place for people visiting or returning to Maine.
Under the new rules, adults who can certify that that they have received a negative COVID-19 test within the last 72 hours, may forgo the 14-day quarantine. Children are exempt.
Visitors must also sign a certificate of compliance saying that they have received a negative COVID-19 test, or will be quarantined for 14 days, or that they have already completed their 14-day quarantine in Maine. Visitors must provide this compliance whenever they check in at any lodging such as hotels, campgrounds and Airbnbs. Visitors may be asked to provide proof of the negative result. The compliance requirement takes effect July 1.
Residents of New Hampshire and Vermont are exempt from the testing or the 14-day quarantine effective immediately if they are coming for a brief time and return home. Beginning June 12, New Hampshire and Vermont residents can stay in lodging without going through the compliance process. The exemption is due to the similarity in number of active cases of COVID-19 in those states compared to Maine.
The latest numbers from the Maine CDC show that the cumulative number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Maine is now at 2,588, an increase of 18 since Sunday. 2,305 of those cases are confirmed while 283 are deemed probable.
No new deaths were reported, keeping the total number of deaths of this diagnosed with COIVD-19 at 99.
1,891 people diagnosed with COIVD-19 have recovered, an increase of 27.
The total number of active cases is 587, a decrease of 25.
301 patients have had to be hospitalized at some point. 37 are currently hospitalized with 12 of those in critical care and 7 patients on ventilators.
The cumulative number of COVID-19 tests that have been performed is 67,290 with a positivity rate of 4.68%.
Governor Janet Mills extended Maine's State of Emergency to June 11 allowing the state government to use resources to protect the health and safety of Mainers and to continue to receive Federal resources. The Stay Safer at Home Order is effect until further notice.
Stage 2 of Maine's phased plan to reopen the State began on June 1 and raises the prohibition on gatherings of more than 10 people to 50. People who are able to work from home should continue to do so, and people should wear cloth face coverings in public settings where physical distancing measures are hard to maintain.
If the Maine CDC detects any resurgence of the virus, the state will slow down the stages and reinstate restrictions.
The counties affected by the current rural reopening plan are Aroostook, Piscataquis, Washington, Hancock, Somerset, Franklin, Oxford, Kennebec, Waldo, Knox, Lincoln and Sagadahoc. All of these counties have not had shown evidence of community transmission of COVID-19.
Restaurants in these counties may open for outdoor dining and for limited dine-in service providing they adopt health and safety precautions, such as physically distancing customers, making sure employees follow enhanced hygiene and sanitation practices and controlling customer flow by making reservations only whenever possible. Restaurants in Cumberland, York, and Androscoggin counties may open for outdoor dining and take-out only.
Retail stores statewide may now open to customers provided they adopt the health and safety precautions that the state is releasing. The precautions include restricting the number of customers in the store at any one time, enhancing cleaning and sanitation practices, and maximizing touch free transactions wherever possible.
<a href="https://www.maine.gov/covid19/restartingmaine">For a more complete listing of the stages and the governor's layout of those stages, click here.</a>
<a href="https://www.maine.gov/decd/covid-19-prevention-checklists" target="_blank">Click or tap here to see the state's modified COVID-19 prevention checklist.</a>
If you have symptoms of the coronavirus, including a runny nose, sore throat, dry cough, fever and in severe cases, difficulty breathing, the Maine CDC says you should call your doctor before going in so that they can prepare for your arrival. The Maine CDC continues to update with new information daily. Keep checking on our mobile app or website to get the latest.
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