Bring it on storm. I have a SNOW BLOWER!  And it's true. I have one. Sitting in my garage - dead. As a door nail. Not moving. Not starting. I tried every way I knew how to start that thing...including praying. In the words of Yukon Cornelius - nothing!

Well, doesn't that just suck. I didn't have 5 hours to shovel us out, which would have included making a path to the firewood and a path for the oil man. I swear that's how long it would have taken me. As you can see from the picture, I did start to shovel. And then I just gave up. I couldn't do it.  So, I called my plow guy from my Condo on 'The Hill' days.

I know he had enough to do - but he said he could be over in a few hours. I almost cried I was so happy. Here's the thing. The older I get, the less the thought of shoveling for hours sounds fun. So, big thank you to Jaimie Erskine.  Today he was my Christmas miracle!

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