I am in a quandary. I have been on the radio for 25 years, and for the first time - I'm not sure what to do about this giant topic. 

That giant topic is President Donald Trump.

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I have been generating quite a few emails going to the boss complaining about my liberal take.

It's true...compared to President Donald Trump, I am a giant liberal. But I also want to make sure that the Q Morning Show with Lori, Jeff and Kylie is exactly what you want. A show that makes you laugh, slightly informative and super fun.

But there is this giant thing in the news...every day. EVERY DAY! I would be a fool not to mention him, and I would be untrue to myself to not mention him with my own perspective.

But Trump is a super sensitive subject. With the mere mention of his name, I'm going to upset half the people. And I've been doing an excellent job of that lately.

So help me. Please. Do I try to keep my opinion to myself? I can try to do that. I can't promise how successful I will be - and to be honest...I just don't know if I should. But I also have a job to do. And it's not political commentator...

Sigh. This is hard....


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