What Happens if You Get Caught Peeing in a Public Pool in Maine?
It's that time of year again. Public pools start to open, fun waterparks like Funtown Splashtown are ready to rock and roll, and so are some of your manners. Look, we all know somebody who is the pool-pee'er (that's what I call them). You'll never admit it if it's you, but if you're the pool-pee'er, then I think we should walk through what could technically happen if you're caught relieving yourself in a public pool or watering hole.
The first question we're gonna answer is whether or not it's legal to pee in a public pool in Maine. Well, according to the code of Maine rules on regulations.justia.com, the simple answer (as it should be) is yes, absolutely. Here's what other bodily fluids are illegal to release in a public pool or spa:
"Urinating, discharge of fecal matter, vomiting, bleeding, expectorating or blowing the nose in any public pool or spa is prohibited. The Department requires posting of notices directing the bathers to make use of the toilets and showers before entering the pool or spa".
Obviously, every facility has their own set of rules if you're caught in the act of anything mentioned above. But overall, I'd assume you're going to be asked to leave. But now that you know it's illegal, just don't do it.
Here's a list of public pools in Portland, Maine, for you as a little treat for reading this.
I'm sorry I went there, but someone had to write this as we dive into summer. The latest viral tip on TikTok is to never hang around the swim-up bars at resorts, hotels, or anywhere else in town. As you could imagine, humans tend to stop caring where they go to the bathroom once they're intoxicated and sitting in the water. The more intoxicated they become, the less likely they are to leave the pool and go to the bathroom. Chances are, it could be on your leg if you're sitting right next to them. You never know! Be safe out there.
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Gallery Credit: Jordan Verge