I’ve Got the Cool Cut, I Just Need a Motorcycle To Be Official
Despite the fact that I don't have a motorcycle, the V-Twin Cruisers MC has adopted me...even though I don't own a motorcycle.
I have a soft spot in my heart for the V-Twin Cruisers. They created Bikers for Boobies to help Cans for a Cure. It was a huge success last year and I can't wait for this year, because I've never had a better time.
Until this weekend when I went to my first bike show. These guys know how to have fun and raise money. They had a dunk tank, silent auction, face painting for the kids, and bike games. But they kicked it all off by giving me my own 'cut'. That's the cool leather vests that all the members have...and now I have one too!
This cut is sweet! It's SO heavy and smells really good and has pockets everywhere. It's just the best. But my favorite part is my biker name...apparently I picked it. I musta been drinking when I picked it!
These guys are great! Bike games were my favorite! They had all sorts of neat things. The ball grabber, roadkill, high roller, weenie bite and the water balloon toss. These games require a passanger. Free Willy came up from Connecticut and didn't have a partner - so I was voluntold! I'm so glad. We did the ball grabber! You had to pick up a tennis ball on cones and the driver weaved in and out - THEN you had to put them back!
I owe our FIRST PLACE medal to Free Willy...that dude could stop his bike and not put his feet down (a disqualification). Come to find out, I'm quite the ball grabber and scooper of road kill (stuffies placed on the pavement and you had to scoop them up with a net...came in second on that one). I am a failure at the weenie bite. A hot dog stuck on a fork and then tied to a goal post hanging from a string. Bike goes under you stand up and bite while the bike is moving! I got wacked in the face by hot dogs and only bit off the tip (insert your own jokes here).
Then they had some individual games the bikers competed in...like loudest pipes!
Yup that second bike won and the third bike (Rachet's) came in second.
I had a great time and they raised a ton of money for the good they do in the community including helping Cans for a Cure. Get ready for the fun to continue with a bike run, Bikers for Boobies coming up on Saturday October 3rd!