I Hate Writing About the Kardashians in Maine, but Here Are 5 Places Kim Should’ve Visited
SPOILER ALERT: I can't stand the Kardashians. They're just not for me. I think they're fake in appearance, I think they've set unreal (again, because they're fake) standards for girls and young women that look up to them (for whatever reason), and like social media, I feel like they contribute to the downfall of society.
A bit harsh or over the top? Maybe, but it's my opinion, so let me live, because if you're a fan of the Kardashians, I don't judge you for your life decisions (well, maybe a little.)
In their defense, it's not just them. I take a step back from anyone in general who craves, thrives on, and is desperate for an insane amount of attention -- it's just not for me. And, I think no one tries to get as much attention as that family does.
But anyway, I've ranted enough, so let's get to the point of this article.
Kim Kardashian in Maine
Was Kim actually in Maine? Here's the thing -- we don't actually know. What we do know is that on her Instagram story over the weekend, Kim Kardashian shared a picture of a sign outside of King Eider's Pub in Damariscotta, Maine, and tagged her sister Khloe.
And, for what it's worth, even though Smoked Windham gets all the love in the area for their iconic signs, this King Eider's sign was pretty fire, too.
We also know that the picture posted on her story is definitely from a sign outside of King Eider's -- you can tell from the railing on the staircase leading up to the entrance, as well as that being the same spot they usually place their signs.
What isn't known, though, is if Kim actually took that picture standing in Damariscotta outside of the bar, or if it came across her feed because it was getting a lot of love on the Gram, so she screenshot it, cropped out any identifiers that mention King Eider's (like their IG handle and staircase sign), and then just shared it.
(And if cropping is what she ended up doing for whatever reason, it didn't work, since keen-eyed Mainers easily identified it was King Eider's, and the picture blew up on the Gram, and business there has also blown up.)
That said, if Kim was in Maine, first off, hopefully she's left by now, and secondly...
Here Are 5 Spots the Kardashians Should've Visited While in Maine
Gallery Credit: Jadd
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