Maine Drive-In Rounds Out Its Season With Christmas Classics
With all that 2020 had to offer, which amounted to the equivalent of a punch in the gut, it was an opportunity for Maine's drive-in movie theaters. When people wanted to get out of the house and see a movie, drive-ins were the best option to social distance.
Most of Maine's drive-in theaters have closed for the season, but Westbrook's Pride's Corner Drive-In will show movies for one more weekend and they're going all Christmas. Three Christmas movies will be shown on the big screen, each as a single feature. Take a look at what's coming.
On Friday, November 27 and Saturday November 28 at 4:30 p.m. it's 2004's The Polar Express.
Also on Friday, November 27 and Saturday November 28 starting at 6:50 p.m. it's 1983's A Christmas Story. Keep in mind you will need a separate ticket for this movie as it is not being shown with The Polar Express as a double feature.
The the final feature of the season is 2003's Elf with Will Ferrell. Showtime is Sunday November 29 at 4:30 p.m.
Tickets are $15 a car load, cash only, or you can purchase your tickets in advance by following the event links on Pride's Corner Drive-In's Facebook page.
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