Meet Q Bachelor’s Final Two Woman
Q Bachelor Mason is pretty popular...dozens of women signed up to go on a date with him. He's narrowed it down to two.
First let's review who Mason is:
Mason Tripp
- 31 years old
- manager at Tuscan Table in South Portland
- loves New England sports
- loves beer
- a fan of karaoke
He has narrowed his choices of dozens and dozens of amazing women. Here are the two wanting to go on a date with the Q Bachelor.
This is Jenn.
Here's a little bit about Jenn.
- She's 34
- she loves dancing and actually dances as a second job (no...NOT that kind of dancing!)
- she loves beer
- not a huge fan of karaoke, because she usually chickens out
This is Dena.
Here's a little bit about Dena.
- she's 33
- she's got a wicked sense of humor
- her go to karaoke song is Total Eclipse of Heart ('Old School' version)
- likes basic beer and really likes spiked seltzer
Mason has his work cut out for him. Both Jenn and Dena are really lovely women. Both get to go out on dates with Mason! Stay tuned for not only Mason's take on the dates, but also what Jenn and Dena thought too!
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