Meet the Saco, Maine School Crossing Guard Who Brings a Smile to Kids Faces
If you have driven through the intersection of North and Elm Streets in Saco during the school year, you may have had to stop while a crossing guard walks kids across the busy intersection safely, on their way to school. It's a tradition that began over 100 years after the automobile became commonplace. Even with all of today's technology, having a crossing guard is still the safest way to get kids across the street.
At this intersection every school day, Roger Nadeau is there with his trusty stop sign, to make sure traffic at North and Elm stops before students cross. Roger is beloved by not only the young students he guides across each school day, but their parents and even those just driving by on their way to work.
A post on the Saco Police Department's Facebook page gave a big shout-out to Roger and all of the Saco Police Crossing Guards. If you're someone who has some free time before and after school and knows how to bring a smile to the face of kids as Roger does, you might be a good crossing guard.
The Saco Police are looking for some extra help before the school season starts. If you or someone know is interested in being a crossing guard, email Lieutenant Gagnon at tgagnon@sacomaine.org with any questions or for more information.
And if you'd like to leave a nice message for one of the crossing guards, you can do it on the Saco Facebook page or by snail mail to:
Saco Police Department
20 Storer St.
Saco, ME 04072.
Just make sure you include the crossing location so they can get the message to the correct crossing guard.
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