UPDATE: The rally to be held in New Hampshire on Saturday has been postponed because of Tropical Storm Fay, according to CNN.

Tomorrow night there will be a trump rally at the Portsmouth International Airport on the Air Force base grounds. This is the fourth stop on the make America great again tour for Mr. Trump as he is campaigning for reelection in November. Several thousand people are expected to show up but the one big issue that's remaining outside the fact that New Hampshire has relatively steady and declining numbers is there is no mask mandate in the state. They will NOT issue a mask mandate before the state's largest gathering of citizens since before the pandemic. The Governor did say this in an interview with New Hampshire Public Radio.


"I don't know how I would enforce it; we are not a home-rule state. We cannot just go and create laws. It has to be backed up by legislation and the state of New Hampshire.I will wear a mask, I actually have a mask in my pocket right here," Baldasaro said, pulling out a "Trump 2020" mask. "The Democrats hate it." 


The Rally takes place at Portsmouth Airport at 8 pm, 

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