No One Wants To Work At Maine’s Largest Prison For Too Long
A story published by the BDN tells the sad story of Maine's largest prison in Warren not being able to hold onto it's staff for very long.
In 2018, roughly 55 of the about 150 correctional officers left their jobs at the prison, according to the article in the BDN. Shockingly that number is about the same from previous years. The problems aren't just the inmates, the story reports that the high turnover rate of corrections officers is not unique to the Maine prison, this is a problem on a national level.
The mental health and officers have said the trauma and the day to day realities of working in a prison take their toll pretty quick and, in some cases, have led to PTSD and other mental health disorders in some employees, according to the newspaper. Some of those employees work 12 hour shifts 3 to 4 days a week while providing security for some 1,000 inmates, including food service, cleaning and medication service, as well as handling the well being of inmates, the BDN reports.
Improvements are underway at the prison, officials have launched an initiative to focus more on employee wellness and other programs.