Old Portland Monastery Is Being Transformed Into a New Home for Immigrants, Refugees
One of the reasons I took the job in Portland was because of the immigrant population from Africa that resides here.
Myself being of Ghanain decent found this is more of an opportunity to explore my culture as well as others from neighboring African territories.
Another thing that made me fall in love with this city was how people seemed to embrace the immigrant population.
I know this is far from a utopian society, but as a member of a historically marginalized group, it made me feel more accepted.
The new owner of Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood Monastery Ben Skillings, in collaboration with community activist Nyamuon Nguany Macharar. Will be working on a plan to turn what was once a Portland house of worship into a haven for refugees and migrants coming to restart their lives in the U.S., according to News Center Maine.
Macharar told the local news channel a story about the smoke detector going in her home after moving to the country in 1995 from Ethiopia, and the family running scared from the house, not knowing what was happening and how to respond appropriately.
That made me really think about the different cultures and how people adapt when they come here.
And this new home for immigrant families is designed to help smooth out that transition period and help our potential new citizens readjust.
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