OOB Rec Dept Having Too Much Fun With QMS Cardboard Clones
South Portland Pediatrics said goodbye to the Q Morning Show Cardboard Clones and the Recreation Department at Old Orchard Beach now has possession!
We got a swim lesson! I bet Jeff swam in his jeans!
Plus...we also got some down time to just chill on our lounge chairs!
You may notice Lou pumping gas. Why is Lou pumping gas? Because Lou JUST learned as a 28-year-old HOW to. She's never pumped gas where there wasn't a lock for the handle. So she had no idea how the gas stops because it stops automatically with the locked handle. Ahhhhh, youth.
We explained that it will also shut off automatically even if you are holding the handle down.
Ya learn something new every day! Oh and Lori is holding her cell phone because she is a rebel and was told you aren't supposed to while pumping gas. Look at her go!
We asked for it! Can't wait to see what else OOB Rec has in store for us as they've only had us for one day!