South Portland Pediatrics Continues With QMS Cut-Out Fun
Per our request as part of the Q Morning Show Cut Out Tour, the fine folks at South Portland Pediatric are documenting their fun with our cardboard clones this week...
First, I decided to chart my growth (but may need a hand figuring out how to do so):
Then, we began treatment on my bendy feet and Jeff covered up for... safety?
Aaaand here come the filters... Lori looks stunning in those rosebud ears!
Filled with love as always, the kitty version of Lori is either adorable or very disturbing.
All suited up! Jeff is now wearing what looks like a name tag, Lori's non-waving hand is ready for surgery, and I finally found my scrubs shirt.
And finally, it's time for a weight check. I've been working out, but can my cardboard cutout feel it?
Keep it comin', SPP! We (and our seemingly sentient 2D twins) are having a blast!