Young New England Patriots Fan Who Went Viral Gets Bucket List Surprise From Bob Kraft
A father and daughter went viral after a Patriots football helped a loose tooth
There's a chance we all saw the video pop up on our social media feeds a couple of months ago when it first went viral back in February 2022 of young Maddy Bernardo and her father. In the video, Maddy had a string, which was tied at one end to a loose tooth, coming out of her mouth and leading all the way to a New England Patriots football held by her dad, Joey, which had the other end of the string tied around it.
Maddy then approaches the football and gives it a quick punt, sending the football (and her tooth) flying across the room.
The Patriots reposted the video, helping it go viral
Considering the video posted above is from the New England Patriots' twitter page, they clearly saw the video and loved it enough to give it a share, and many more eyeballs on it across the internet. Cue Bob Kraft, who seems to be on a mission to give as many bucket list cross-off experiences as possible this offseason, who reached out to the Bernardo family and invited them to Gillette for the day.
Maddy and her dad recreated their iconic punt, minus the tooth pull
Yesterday, Bob Kraft and the Patriots hosted Maddy, Joey, and the rest of the Bernardo family for what Joey called "a dream" day at the home of the Pats. Not only did Maddy and Joey get to take their holding/punting skills to the big leagues by recreating their viral video on the turf at Gillette, but Bob Kraft even delivered some surprises from him and the tooth fairy.
In addition to all that, based on Joey's Instagram account, he was also allowed to throw and catch touchdown passes on the field. Bob and Maddy also walked hand-in-hand into Bob's trophy room, which showcased the six Super Bowl championship trophies won by the Pats over the years. In his Instagram stories, Joey said that Mr. Kraft was an absolute class act and wide receiver Matthew Slater, who also met the family, chatted with them for much longer than they deserved.
In some comic relief, too, apparently Joey's son/Maddy's brother, Mason (better known as "Moose" by dad), "dropped fruit snacks all over Mr. Kraft's floor because he was pretending to be a cat." All in all, mission accomplished by Bob Kraft and the Pats -- creating lifelong, bucket list memories for families.
Also, and you're reading this prediction here first, what's the over/under that Mason's accidental fruit snack droppage leads to "Moose's Pats Snacks" being sold at Gillette concession stands on game day, now?
(Also, Mr. Kraft, if that becomes an actual thing, do I get a cut since I dropped the idea right here?)