Selena and Justin’s Mashup the New Breakup Anthem
A fan made a mashup of Justin Bieber's 2015 hit 'Sorry' and Selena Gomez's brand new 'Lose You to Love Me' and fans are freaking out!
It's crazy how the songs are perfect for each other and sound like a conversation between the two exes.
Andy Wu, who is out of Los Angeles and is a filmmaker, editor and music producer can take credit for the viral mashup. It's been up for less than 2 weeks and has already been viewed over 2.5 million times!
People are going nuts and can't believe how amazing these two songs sound like both sides of the story. Will this become the break up anthem that we've all been looking for?
This song makes me want them to get back together, and break up again because this mashup is one of the best songs either of them have had in a long time! Thanks Andy for making my new favorite song!