St. Mary’s Hospital in Lewiston Had a ‘Wall of Shame’ With Patient Records
Employees at St. Mary's Regional Medical Center in Lewiston created a 'wall of shame' with confidential records of patients, according to the Bangor Daily News.
This story is insane. The BDN is reporting that this "wall of shame" had confidential medical records of patients with
disabilities detailing issues with their genitalia and bodily functions, according to an investigation by the Maine Human Rights Commission that found the exhibit had contributed to a hostile work environment.
There were also at least two employees that looked at the private medical records of another coworker, MyKayla McCann, who had been treated at St. Mary's, according to the BDN.
The newspaper said she's the one who came forward to tell the hospital’s administration about the 'wall of shame' but said they dragged their feet and took months to take it down. The hospital says it was weeks, according to the BDN.
McCann eventually resigned almost three years ago because of the work environment, the newspaper stated, and an investigator with the human rights commission found that there was enough evidence to show she was discriminated against. McCann has a disability.
She found the so-called 'wall of shame' on the inside of a cabinet door on her first day back in 2015, the newspaper reported, and it had very personal parts of medical records with patients sexual activity, genital dysfunction, bowel movements, bodily odors, and other personal information. Very personal.
Why did it take so long for McCann to report the 'wall'?
The Bangor Daily News reported that it's because she had been treated at St. Mary's and was new and worried she would be targeted and end up on the 'wall'. She eventually had to take a leave of absence and went to other hospitals for treatment.
When she got back, she felt her coworkers were treating her differently and had somehow seen her medical records and she felt harassed, according to the newspaper. Looking at medical records without permission is protected under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
There is probably a lawsuit coming from this madness....
For more on the story, check out the Bangor Daily News article.