Creepy Moths That Cause Respiratory Issues Return to NHCreepy Moths That Cause Respiratory Issues Return to NHI don't like 'em. I don't like 'em one bit. KiraKira
This Caterpillar in Maine Looks Like a Nightmarish AlienThis Caterpillar in Maine Looks Like a Nightmarish AlienIf you're not sure what you're looking at, it's a 'leg-less' caterpillar in Maine that is ready to further haunt your nightmaresJoeyJoey
Browntail Moth AdvisoryBrowntail Moth Advisory Browntail Moths have been showing up at monitoring stations in the South Portland area.KwameKwame
It’s Browntail Moth Caterpillar Season In Maine and They’re Still Very DangerousIt’s Browntail Moth Caterpillar Season In Maine and They’re Still Very DangerousBrowntail moth caterpillars are emerging from their webs in Maine and it's time for a reminder of the dangers they presentJoeyJoey
Lori Touched a Poisonous Caterpillar for MeLori Touched a Poisonous Caterpillar for MeLori narrowly escaped getting a horrible rash from a fuzzy little critter.Lou LockwoodLou Lockwood