A Week of Free Events, Parades, and Fireworks in Boothbay, MaineA Week of Free Events, Parades, and Fireworks in Boothbay, MaineA week long of free summer events in Boothbay, MaineMeghan MorrisonMeghan Morrison
Celebrate Maine’s Maritime Heritage With Windjammer DaysCelebrate Maine’s Maritime Heritage With Windjammer DaysIf you can't get enough of tall sailing ships, you're in luck. All next week, there's even more seafaring fun with The 57th Annual Windjammer Days Festival in Boothbay Harbor.The GuruThe Guru
Watch the Parade of Sail in Boothbay Harbor at Windjammer DaysWatch the Parade of Sail in Boothbay Harbor at Windjammer DaysThe amazing parade of tall ships happens in Boothbay Harbor every year. Here's a taste of the Windjammer Days parade of sail!Ryan GavinRyan Gavin
Windjammer Days Sails to Maine This Week in Boothbay HarborWindjammer Days Sails to Maine This Week in Boothbay HarborThe 56th Annual Windjammer Days Festival of Sail is happening this week in Boothbay Harbor, Maine. Here's what's up!Ryan GavinRyan Gavin