The 2018 Qlympic Games Continue!
We're in the midst of our three-week Qlympics games here on the Q Morning Show, and tensions are running high.
We continued our series of pointless games this week with the ever-famous Balls Off The Wall and Nut Stacker (What's that you say? You've never heard of either? You must be living under a rock.)
Just to be clear, in the video below you'll witness Lori's unfair advantage in the Balls Off The Wall game. She chews multiple pieces of gum every morning and shoots them into the trash can from her chair on high; essentially, every morning is a training session for her, and it's no surprise she excelled at this game. I didn't even include the videos of Jeff's and my performance, because they paled in comparison to hers and are just sad to watch. I took silver with 5 pieces in the trash, Jeff got bronze with 4, and Lori blew us out of the water with THIRTEEN. Behold:
Game 1: Balls Off The Wall
Game 2: Nut Stacker
In this challenge, we were provided with 6 nuts (as in nuts and bolts) and one barbecue skewer. Using the skewer as a tool to pick up the bolts, we were tasked with stacking the nuts on edge to form a tower. Our first take at a stacking race didn't go as planned because Jeff and Lori couldn't manage to stack all 6 no matter how much time they were given. Behold the first failed match:
We rectified this mishap by switching up the rules: whoever could stack the most bolts in 30 seconds wins. In the rematch, Lori and Jeff took bronze and silver with 3 and 4 nuts respectively, while I came in first with all six stacked precariously within 30 seconds. Lori conveniently failed to video my game of glory, but I at least have a picture!
Look at that beaut!
Also, enjoy this bonus video of her flipping me off during training:
And so wraps week 2 of the 2018 Qlympic Games! Overall, our standings based on weighted medal points are as follows:
IN FIRST: Lou with 9 points!
IN SECOND: Lori with 8 points!
IN THIRD: Jeff with 7 points!
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