There’s a New Version of ‘Thong Song’ Just in Time for Late Summer No Pants Dance Parties
I remember when the original version of Thong Song was released by Sisqo. I was barely 9-years old but somehow my mother still allowed me to own Sisqo's full album Unleash the Dragon and listen to The Thong Song on repeat.
The original song is catchy as hell, mildly inappropriate for young ears, and featured a music video with Sisqo's silver (spray painted?) hair. What more would we ask for from a late-90s R&B song?
Sisqo told Buzzfeed that he's been asked to remake the song many times since the original was released. He finally caved when he heard the version from JCY for one big reason.
I've been asked so many times over the years to make a new version . . . and I've declined every time, until I heard the new version that JCY did. I thought it was dope and figured maybe it was time to put some new rims on the Bugatti.
So here it is for your listening and viewing pleasure. What do you think of the new version of the dance floor classic Thong Song?