This Dover, New Hampshire, House Got an Incredible Eye-Popping Aqua Paint Job
There is a house on Silver Street in Dover that many people know because of the window that is built directly INTO the chimney of the house.
(I dare you to tell me that there is another house like it in Dover.)
This house is so cool because of it, and recently, the place got a new upgrade that's really got a conversation with Dover residents going.
The New Paint Job Has People Talking
Recently, the house got a paint job that this writer thinks is beautiful!
Check out the new aqua color. It is so vibrant and eye-popping.`What you can't really see from the photo is the purple trim that the owners have also donned on the house. It looks creative and cool.
Kudos to the homeowners for going with a color that they really like (and I do, too!)
Are There Rules About Painting a House Any Color?
There don't seem to be any rules or regulations I can find on specific colors one can or can't paint the outside of their house. NH.gov has a document prepared by the New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources in 2007 that talks about historic houses and paint rules, and guess, what, it says "most historic districts do not regulate paint color – or many other changes that are considered cosmetic and can readily reversed."
I would think if historic houses don't have any restrictions on them, neither do 'regular' houses regarding paint color.
This house is a Victorian style and was built in 1880, so it very well could be a historic home, but regardless, it seems that the new color is going to be perfectly fine as is.
Some People Are Not Happy With the Color
It's no surprise that the new aqua color was going to drum up a bunch of opinions, including some not taken with the choice. Some people on the (un)Official City of Dover, NH Facebook page said that house color made them sick.
But, c'mon, really? It's a beautiful color! It might not be YOUR choice, but it's not your house!
One Dover Resident Said on the (un)Official City of Dover, NH Facebook page
Paint *your* house a color that makes *you* happy. Everyone else can either get with it, or get over it.
Word. I like that guy. I like his house too. There must be magic in his house because..... DOUBLE RAINBOW!
You can see the color that his family chose in this pic of the beautiful double rainbow pic he captured here.
Greg and Delise West used to own the Silver Street house.
The couple is well known in the area for their business, Sit, Stay, Smile! Also, the main image here in this article was taken by Greg himself - a very well-known photographer in the Seacoast area!
You can see what the house looked like from the outside before the paint job here.
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