Watch Bald Eagle Sneaking Up to Snatch Fish on Sebago Lake
Have you ever seen a bald eagle this up close and personal? Nick Batchelder of Westbrook captured a video of a bald eagle on little Lower Sebago Lake and shared it with the MAINE wildlife facebook group this week.
The video appears to be staged, a fish left out on the ice directly in front of the camera. As a result, this hungry eagle swoops down and slowly eases up to the fish, with a hesitation that seems to say, "did someone drop this? I guess if no one else wants it..."
If you've ever been walking down the street and come across a $5 bill sitting unattended in your path, you'll identify with this video. The curiosity, the guilt of taking something that isn't yours, the justification of your actions (it'll just go to waste if I don't pick it up...) and the ultimate quick escape with your newfound treasure. This eagle gets away scot-free with fresh sushi - whoever said there's no such thing as a free fish?
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