What Social Distancing Really Means (To You)
Social distancing means so much more than people realize; to the country, it's a way to contain the virus, but to us, it means that we are alone, even if we are in a house full of people.
What does it mean for parents who have never spent entire days with all of their children at once?
What does it mean for Husband and Wife who enjoy more time apart than they do together?
What does it for senile grandparents who may not be aware of the virus, that wonder why no one has been to visit them?
These things are weighing on us; the key is realizing and admitting what your life is truly like. Admit that you may need to make a few changes when we come out of this to live in a more fulfilling way.
Appreciate the people you love, do not take hugs and handshakes for granted. End relationships you don't need and strive to be your best self.
You owe to yourself to do so.