What’s Your Worst Scar? Got Mine in the 7th Grade.
When I was in the 7th grade in Idaho, my best friend and I (Sonya Walker*), were roaming the halls of school around lunch time and went to see the Social Studies teacher. That's when it all went south...fast!
I was leaning into the classroom holding onto the frame of the door. Sorta swinging in and out of the classroom, all while holding onto the door frame. That's when Sonya decided it would be funny to push me into the classroom, close the door and viola! The teacher and I are alone! Teeheehee. But I held on for dear life to the door frame with my left hand - that happened to be where the door hinges were. She slammed the door and pushed on it because it wouldn't close. It wouldn't close because MY FINGERS WERE IN THE DOOR!!
I ended up with 16 stiches on my third left finger..
My middle finger had the nail cut off. It does grow back (thank God!) but it grows back funky...
I suppose I could take a picture of my hysterectomy scar...but that doesn't count. I mean scars that you got from some sort of serious boo-boo. Plus...NOBODY wants to see that!
So - what's your awful scar and how did you get it? Share your pic!
*Sonya Walker and I were not best friends for much longer after that*