Has it been a year?

I can't find any news about the infamous yellow Auburn Walmart pole getting hit by a car. We've been so busy lately with everything else in the world, I damn near forgot all about it. I miss it.

Libby Blanchette - Survivors of Walmart Yellow Pole
Libby Blanchette - Survivors of Walmart Yellow Pole

The pole was front and center in the news about a year ago. Kids were traveling to the pole to have their picture taken with it. Little Kynlee turned nine with the Auburn Walmart Pole last year.

Lexi Doak
Lexi Doak

Down in Biddeford, that pole was whacked, and people were having fun with their own accident-prone pole.

Seth Stanton Adams
Seth Stanton Adams

That Auburn Walmart pole has been hit so often, there was a mini-documentary made about it!

But what's happening? Why hasn't it been hit in a year? Have we finally learned our lesson? Did the jersey barriers around finally end the fun? I miss it.

Even the Instagram account of The Poles of Walmart hasn't had a new post since February of last year!

Do you know if the Auburn Walmart Pole has been hit recently?

Let me know! The actual news out there is depressing as hell. I would love to focus on a pole winning the car vs inanimate object fight. I need something that isn't about politics or the weather. I need some pole news. I might have to travel up to Auburn to visit the pole. I'm sure it's lonely with no police, no insurance agents, no confused drivers, nothing. Sigh.

Cars Can't Stop Crashing Into One Yellow Pole at the Auburn, Maine, Walmart

There's a yellow pole in the Auburn, Maine Walmart parking lot that gets hit by drivers on a regular basis.

Gallery Credit: Jeff Parsons

Cars Can't Stop Crashing Into One Yellow Pole at the Auburn, Maine, Walmart

There's a yellow pole in the Auburn, Maine Walmart parking lot that gets hit by drivers on a regular basis.

Gallery Credit: Jeff Parsons

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