1 Year After Maine’s Wicked Wind Storm, What’s Been Done to Stop Severe Outages?
Maine's insane fall wind storm was one year ago this week, and now people are looking back at the storm and asking what we've done to make sure that the severe outages that we experienced don't happen again with future storms.
Almost 500,000 people we left without power last year, and many for more than a week. Several Maine news outlets including WGME-13 have done stories on the recovery efforts this week, and the steps that we've taken to make sure that these types of outages don't occur with windstorms again.
Maine state authorities have worked with our power utility providers like CMP to make sure that response times, public notification and restoration efforts are improved with future weather events. It seemed odd that a wind storm that seemed comparatively minor compared to winter storms like blizzards was able to knock so many power customers offline for such a long period of time. It's good to know that we're learning the lessons of this storm, and moving forward to fix the issues that caused the slow response time.
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