20 Restaurants Mainers Miss and Want to Bring Back
Sure, we have a ton of great restaurants, but some just can't be replaced.
Maine has become a destination for our food. Especially Portland. But before we got fancy and out of most of our price ranges, Maine and Portland had some places which are sorely missed. There is also a clear winner when asking,
If you could bring back a restaurant that has closed, which one would it be?
That would be The Village Cafe in Portland. It was a huge restaurant by today's standards. It held 550 hungry customers and was a unanimous fan favorite among all for the 71 years it was open. The Italian spot opened its doors just down the street from Jordan's in 1936, and held down the fort until 2007. The owner John Reali told The Bollard that regulars flocked in for wedding rehearsals, family reunions, birthdays, and even funerals to celebrate those who passed away, since it was their favorite restaurant.
If we only had a magic wand to wave and bring it back. I even remember the smoking and non-smoking sections. Too funny.
As long as you have that magic wand out, there are quite a few in this list I'd love to bring back. I hope in a few years, I'm not writing about a whole other batch of favorites that closed...