Acting! Being in ‘The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee’
What fun! Lou and I got to be 'guest spellers' in the Lyric Music Theater production of, 'The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee'.
The show, the first production of the Lyric Music Theater in South Portland, was an absolute blast to be in! We were told very little about what our role was as guest spellers.
We were told that we would get a word and to repeat the word. Ask for the definition. Ask for the word to be used in a sentence. Spell the word. We would get 2-3 words before we were given a word so hard or made up, we would be eliminated.
What they didn't tell us is that we would dance a little in a scene, clap and be pretty much in the entire first act!! It was hysterical!
Lou and I had a blast, and kudos to Lou - that girl can spell.
If you've never been to this tiny theater nestled in an old South Portland neighborhood on Sawyer yourself a favor and go!
You will have a really great time!