COVID 19 Test Manufacturer Becomes Outbreak Zone
Alfred Hitchcock could not have written a better story, according to the Bangor Daily News, a Scarborough facility where COVID 19 tests are manufactured. Out of 600 Employees at Abbot Laboratories, 23 have now been tested positive. This is the same company that developed the rapid coronavirus test that is currently being widely used to diagnose patients.
The biggest issue they are looking into is if the infected workers contracted it in a community spread at the office of or from outside, which is possible.
"[T]he five most recent cases prompted the state to open an outbreak investigation... While the company has seen cases since mid-April, there had not been enough concurrent cases until recently to warrant an outbreak investigation," said Dr. Shah, Maine CDC Director in a press conference Tuesday afternoon.
With company testing employees weekly and them working hard, revolutionize testing. That leaves the question, with them saying there is a possible second waving coming, what happens when those are charged with protecting us get sick? I welcome your thoughts.