Hampton New Hampshire Women Organize Birthday Parades
It appears that even though everything is shut down in the neighboring state of New Hampshire, the national trend of Birthday Parades has taken the city of Hampton by storm.
On our Q97.9 shout outs page, we received a letter praising MacKenzie Field and Sarah Elliott.
Almost everyday since March 27th, these ladies have organized a "drive-by" birthday celebration for Hampton kiddos - sometimes more than one kiddo per day! It is a safe and FUN way for the community to show their love to these kids who may not otherwise have a birthday celebration, outside of their immediate family. Way to go, ladies! It is as much fun for the participants as it is for the birthday child! AND Britt's Pizzeria in Hampton has donated a free pizza to the birthday family to enjoy after the parade. It is a true testament to what this wonderful community is all about!
Congratulations to Mackenzie and Sarah, please keep up the excellent work.
It's great to see such a positive thing in these coronavirus times.
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