Have You Ever Heard Maine’s Official State Song?
I was born in our state's capital city of Augusta. I have lived here ever since with the exception of a a little chunk of the 1980s spent in Massachusetts while attending broadcasting school.
Maybe, I was never brave enough to leave Maine for very long. Then again it could be that I realized that life here surrounded by so much natural beauty and an abundance of good souls, was reason to stay put.
I tell ya what. Every morning when I step outside and take a deep breath, I am filled not only with that pure fresh Maine air. I am also filled with gratitude for this very unique and gorgeous place we call home.
Literally, these feelings and thoughts of appreciation come up for me each day. If you're from Maine, I bet they do for you too. I'm pretty confidant we can all identify with that sublime experience. With mountains, lakes, islands along the rockbound coast, and certainly no lack of trees...we have so much to love here.
Sometimes the state of Maine is referred to as a "small town". Maybe that has something to do with our innate ability to recognize another Mainer. We might not really know each other, but we know each other. Ya know?
Alright, that's enough of my proud gushing. But before I go, let's get to the point of all the previous gushing. In all my over 50 years of living here, I've never heard the official song for the State of Maine.
I figured if I hadn't, there was a good chance other folks hadn't either. It seems as though us proud Mainers all should sing along to this one at least once. So let's do it.
Here comes The Maine Song performed by Dot and The Has Beens of Millinocket. It was written in 1937 by Roger Vinton Snow. The lyrics are included in the video so we can all join in.