Health Alert For Dogs!
If you have a dog you need to read and share this...
I love my fur baby like it's a family member. I'm sure you feel the same way about your pet. My Mexican kitty, Paco the Chihuahua is very small and anyone who has a small pup knows that the smaller the dog the quicker something bad could happen if they get into the wrong thing. Like chocolate and even anti-freeze. Now there is something new we need to be aware of.
The culprit is peanut butter. Totally fine when it's all natural, but several brands and other nut butters are beginning to substitute sugar with a sweetener called Xylitol. It's highly toxic to dogs in very small doses. It also causes damage to liver cells and drops in blood sugar which can both be fatal. Check your labels for XYLITOL and do NOT give it to your pup. Please share this...