If You Haven’t Augmented Yourself on FaceApp What Are You Even Doing
If you haven't notice that your instagram and facebook feeds are filled with images of your friends looking especially old, weirdly young, or bragging about how they'd hit on the opposite-gender version of themselves, then I'm not sure your friends are very in-touch with internet trends. That, or they're all acutely aware of the potential ramifications of uploading your face to an app (Russian hackers? Identity theft? But it makes you look funny! Worth it.)
At the Q Morning Show, we obviously wanted in on the fun. Well, I did, and dragged my sweet cohosts along with me. Please don't tell Jeff, this can just be our little secret. First up, here's me looking like I was left out in the sun a little too long. "You look like the fun English teacher," my friend chimed in. Thanks, dude! Now go do your homework, you dweeb.
Next up, we've got the male version of Lori. To be honest, not starkly different. Pretty much the same hair, no makeup, slightly thicker eyebrows, and a bit of stubble. Does she vaguely remind you of Zac Efron?
Finally, and this is the one we need to keep on the DL, we've got a young and chipper-looking Jeff. Having only known Jeff a year and a half, I can't say how accurate this FaceApp attempt to recall his younger look is. It looks a little like his kid grown up though! Oh, sweet young Jeff. You have no idea the adventures before you. And the incredible amount of snark.