I’m Sleeping With Dogs to Help the Animal Refuge League of Greater Potland
From what I understand, not actually that much sleeping will happen.
Friday, November 18 is the 4th annual Shelter Sleep-In. It's my first. 16 animal lovers will sleep in kennels that will be decorated in a theme. The public has a chance to come down to see what we've done and make a donation in person.
So as you can see, besides me (Lori Voornas), there are a couple of famous TV people from News Center Maine - Amanda Hill and Lee Goldberg. Obviously, it's all about helping the animals, BUT (and it's a big but) we tend to be a little competitive. So of course I encourage you to donate whatever you can to whoever you can....however, you might as well throw that donation my way if you are so inclined.
To help you with your donation decision, here are some incredibly adorable pictures of my dog Casco. This is the mini Labradoodle as a puppy.
This is Casco as a young adult. That face. I sometimes can't stand it...I just want to squeeeeeeeeeze it.
Casco comes with me everywhere and loves it when I go fishing. She's a real pain in the ass when I fish because she wants to go after the fish. But, I can't help but want her with me.
I had no idea she was taking night classes at USM. Such a smart doggy.
Why is it that when animals sleep they are so damn cute! Every time I look at this picture I giggle.
Come on down to the Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland this Friday from 5 pm - 8 pm to see how the kennels are decorated and to make a donation in person if you'd like. I thank you and I know the animals thank you!