Have you ever thought of mentoring a little one in Maine?

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southern Maine (BBBSSM) launched their biggest and most ambitious campaign yet to try and recruit more mentors in Southern Maine, especially men. 60 Bigs in 60 Days will kick off 2023 by expanding their volunteer pipeline, moving Littles off the waiting list, and letting people know what Big Brothers Big Sister of Southern Maine is all about.


Three years later, Maine (and quite frankly the world) is still dealing with the significant impact COVID-19 has had on youth and families. Most of whom were already facing challenges. Plus, BBBSSM is trying to get more male role models and mentors involved! The waitlist of Little Brothers continues to grow. Currently, 45 children are waiting to be matched with a Big, 35 of which are boys.


60 Bigs in 60 Days

BBBSSM wants YOU! They will be out in the community starting Tuesday, January 10 from 5:30 - 7:00 PM at Sea Dog Brewing (125 Western Avenue, South Portland) answering any question you might have about what it takes to become a 'big'. Lori Voornas from Q97.9 will be at the first event!

Win a $50 Gift Card to Sea Dog Brewing

Throughout January and February, learn more about Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southern Maine. Men, we really need you! 77% of the kids on the waitlist are Little Brothers. Boys typically have to wait 138 days longer than girls to be matched with a Big. For every 3 potential Big Sisters they interview, they only interview 1 potential Big Brother. So help out!

  • Tuesday, January 10 from 5:30 – 7:00 PM at Sea Dog Brewing (125 Western Ave, South Portland, ME)
  • Wednesday, January 18 from 7:30 – 9:00 AM at Saco & Biddeford Savings (252 Main Street, Saco, ME)
  • Thursday, February 9 from 8:00 – 9:30 AM at Gorham Savings Bank (1 India Street, Portland, ME)
  • Thursday, February 16 from 5:30 – 7:00 PM at Sea Salt Lobster (660 Main Street, Saco, ME)

Bigs have the ability to change someone’s life for the better and with your help, we will they can change the lives of at least 60 kids in the community in just 60 days.


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