Maine Now Has One Less Secret
So now the question is, where will people North of Augusta go to buy something special to wear for their honey in the boudoir? Where will you buy the lovely perfume and the perfect pair of matching underwear an all of the other products you could get from Victoria's Secret? Where will the guys go to buy gifts for their girlfriends and spouses because they don't know what else to get for them? According to Victoria's Secret website, they have vowed to shut down 250 stores across North America; the Bangor location was the next casualty, which means if anyone further North wants to go to a Victoria's Secret store, they have to come down to The Maine Mall. Some would attribute the store closures to COVID, but the brand has had recent trouble after canceling its two-decade-long span Victoria's Secret Fashion show. Some people close to the company say this is a part of an identity crisis.
"Victoria's Secret's brand image is starting to appear to many as being outdated and even a bit' tone-deaf' by failing to be aligned with women's evolving attitudes towards beauty, diversity, and inclusion," James A. Mitaronda, head of the activist investor Barington Capital Group, wrote in a letter to Wexner ( Head of L Brands former owner VS) in March. "While Victoria's Secret has improved the racial and ethnic diversity of the women in its advertising campaigns, it continues to use models that depict a very narrow definition of beauty." This quote was printed in the Washinton Post last fall.
Whether you contribute their fall to cultural change or the COVID pandemic, Victoria's Secret will still be available in South Portland and online. To all the guys who were hoping to have the store open for at least one more Christmas to buy your girlfriend something you think she wants, gets better at buying gifts! What are your thoughts?
READ MORE: 10 Stores That No Longer Exist in Maine But We Wish Still Did
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