Maine Schools Join ‘All Children Exercising Simultaneously’
In just a few weeks, Westbrook Middle School is joining schools across the country in celebrating All Children Exercising Simultaneously, or "ACES". The program aims to unite school children in practicing healthy habits and fighting against child obesity. The ACES website paints a picture of how the program started:
Project ACES was created by physical education teacher Len Saunders in 1989 as a method of motivating children to exercise. ACES takes place on the first Wednesday in May as part of National Physical Fitness and Sports Month along with National Physical Education Week. It has been labeled as "the world's largest exercise class" by the media. Since 1989, millions of children from all over the world exercise together to promote proper health and fitness habits. With the obesity epidemic facing the youth of the world, children's fitness plays a major role in fighting heart disease.
This isn't the first time Westbrook Middle School has participated in ACES day. Every year on the first Wednesday in May, some sort of exercise activity is planned to get kids off their feet, promote physical activity and reduce obesity. This year our Fuel Up to Play 60 team is organizing a school-wide walk on ACES day around the perimeter of Westbrook Middle School. Find out more about Fuel Up to Play 60 here, and National ACES day here!