Movie Mom LOVES the New Blade Runner Movie [VIDEO]
Movie Mom's hands were tied big time when talking about 'Blade Runner 2049'...she could only say a couple of things. Very, very vague things.
Here's what Movie Mom could say about 'Blade Runner 2049'
- It's a movie
- it has characters
She and all reviewers were handed a long list of things NOT to discuss. But she did say that she LOVED it and that it's one of the best sequels ever! It stayed true to the story - just later. It touches on a lot of issues that are current also.
Oh and in the future - it rains a lot.
Then there is the movie 'The Mountain Between Us' with a great cast including Idris Elba and Kate Winslet. The thing that drove Movie Mom crazy is the stupid story. These two are in a plane crash and are hungry and have to eat only 6 almonds a day...but they have a dog that is fine. No, they don't eat the dog and the dog doesn't die.
And then there is the 'My Little Pony' movie. Some surprise appearances by some big names...but really, it's a My Little Pony movie - so you pretty much know what you are getting into.