New Parkour Gym in Windham, Maine, Is One of a Kind
The Movement Lab Collective is a new gym in Windham, and they want you to fall in love with movement.
Let's cover what parkour is.
According to the strictest definition, Parkour is the act of moving from point “a” to point “b” using the obstacles in your path to increase your efficiency.
The three guys that run the Movement Lab know parkour and have been training and competing for decades.
These guys, Ed, Caleb, and Trevor, can do some really amazing things with their bodies. They want to teach you! That's Ed climbing buildings in Portland.
The Movement Lab Collective is their new parkour gym now open in Windham at the Mall on Roosevelt Trail. You can come with a friend or friends or practice alone.
They've built obstacles that you might find in urban settings, where parkour enthusiasts are often found bouncing around. But they've put them all in one space.
If part of your plans for 2022 involves more exercise, maybe you want to go a different route than the usual gym.
The Movement Lab Collective is also running a Kickstarter page. They are open but would like to add more to be even bigger, better with more to offer. They are prorating their memberships for annual renewal, saving you money in the long run.
If you ever find yourself mesmerized by American Ninja Warrior - that is SO parkouring. Ever wonder how they do all those things? No water traps at The Movement Lab Collective...yet.