When I say "hidden pickleball" courts, I really mean it. I have never noticed these courts before, since they're at the bottom of a hill that a highway runs over. Pickleball has become such a popular sport that teams are forming all around town, so these courts are crucial now more than ever.

Whether you're driving towards the Forest Ave exit or walking in the cute little Deering Oaks park, you'll find the courts I'm talking about if you keep your eyes peeled. This little park has come a long way. Since I travel that highway very frequently, I've been fortunate enough to witness its progression. There's a brand-new playground, tons of grassy fields, volleyball, baseball, and even pickleball courts hidden at the bottom of this park.

I was walking my pup yesterday, and we found ourselves strolling through the park just to see what it was like. It's one of those things where I always see the park while I'm driving by, tell myself I have to check it out, but never do. So the pup and I finally did, and we were very impressed with the new additions we saw. There was even a water fountain area where not only your doggos can play and cool off, but your kiddos can splash around in the water too (reason #90938 why Portland rocks).

Pro Sports Teams That Once Played in New England

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Gallery Credit: Jon Rineman

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