Portland Maine Adulting School Featured on NBC Nightly News
Don't know how to balance a checkbook, hammer a nail or cook a meal? A Portland "Adulting School" was featured on NBC Nightly News that says they can help.
When I was in school, we took home economics, shop and business classes. They were mandatory and just as important as math and science. Many Millennials however did not have those classes in school and lack the skills to do basic day to day things you should know as an adult.
NBC Nightly News sent a crew to Portland to visit the Adulting School run by Rachel Flehinger and Rachel Weinstein. Personal finance, home repair, car maintenance and essential cooking skills are just some of the subjects taught at adulting school.
If you've been embarrassed that you don't know these basic skills, this is the school for you.
Want to learn how to adult? Go sign up and then come fix the hole in my wall.