Q Court: Spoiler Alert! ‘Jane’ is Mad That Things are Ruined on Facebook [POLL]
'Jane' is running into what a lot of us lately are running into - people ruining things that you HAVEN'T SEEN YET! She's smoking mad and wants Q Court to help!
Here's Jane's quick, bitter letter:
Q Court! Please tell people to stop posting on Facebook or any social media the ending to shows! Most of us these don't have schedules that let us watch shows when they are on! We use our DVR or watch on-line! Do you have so little to do in your life that you MUST put up that so and so won, or so and so got kicked off or that this person was killed on my favorite show!? God! This is driving me crazy! Please use Q Court to tell people to knock it off!
Okay 'Jane'. Switch to decaf. I myself have been burned by this, but I figure it's my own fault for having a schedule that doesn't let me watch when I want to. But what about you?
Do you have a situation you think Q Court could help with? Email Lori at lori.voornas@townsquaremedia.com and let Q Court settle it!